Technical Reachback Support


ARA’s Technical Reachback team provides round-the-clock decision support capabilities for the full spectrum of WMD/CBRNE threats. Our goal is to provide timely subject matter expertise and decision support capability for planning, operations, and real time and post event analysis to a wide range of customers across DoD and other U.S Government agencies.


ARA provides over 40 advanced degreed subject matter experts with interdisciplinary CBRNE backgrounds to answer technical questions related to planning events, exercises, targeting, and real-world operations. The team uses numerous decision support software tools to answer questions in real time and provide tailored support spanning the WMD/CBRNE enterprise. Reachback routinely interacts with software tool developers and integrators to ensure updated versions of the tools meet customer needs.

ARA’s Reachback personnel travel to various locations to assist customers in exercises and special events. We provide guidance for civil support teams, the Combatant Commands, the Joint Staff, both domestically and internationally. We provide analysis and modeling during hazardous material releases to federal, state, and local agencies through support to FEMA’s Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC).

Beyond CBRNE, we also provide assistance with infectious disease and natural hazard modeling. Our team is heavily involved in providing modeling and decision support for the COVID-19 outbreak and other epidemiological events. We also use FEMA’s HazUS software to provide hurricane planning and mitigation support to the Department of Health and Human Services, USNORTHCOM, and a variety of other requestors.

ARA’s Technical Reachback team is at the forefront of helping our government plan for the effects of WMD employment, mitigate event impacts, and conduct recovery/clean-up operations when needed.

Christopher Owens   •  Tel: 703-329-0200