Hydrothermal Refining (HR) for Edible Oils
Outperforming Traditional Methods of Oil Degumming
Hydrothermal Refining (HR) Advantages
For licensing information, contact:
Chuck Red | cred@ara.com | 850-628-0332
How it Works
ARA’s patented Hydrothermal Refining (HR) process uses turbulent flow to mix an oil-water-acid mixture, facilitating the hydrolysis of phospholipids and removal of other contaminants, resulting in a higher yield that is easier to achieve. The HR process requires only water, citric acid, heat, and pressure to efficiently remove impurities like phosphorus, chlorides, metals, and other inorganics. This process works even on the most challenging, high impurity crude edible oils.
Integrating the HR system into an existing refinery is seamless. The system leverages standard equipment such as pumps, heat exchangers, and heater and oil water separators. Since most metals are also removed in the process, the system minimizes the consumption of bleaching earth and other consumables and can dramatically increase throughput.

Related Technologies
For more information, contact Chuck Red at cred@ara.com
Covered by U.S. Patent 10,071,322 B2 (2018) and European Patent 3250660 (2023)