3D Blast
3D Blast provides quick calculation and visualization of blast loads on different building shapes for an open-air explosion of a bare hemispherical charge…
3D Blast provides quick calculation and visualization of blast loads on different building shapes for an open-air explosion of a bare hemispherical charge…
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of AASHTOWare pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide…
ARA has implemented airside and landside pavement management systems for hundreds of commercial, general aviation, and military airfields worldwide…
ARC4 RECON is advanced augmented reality (AR) technology that delivers heads-up tactical situational awareness, day or night…
A.T.-BLAST calculates blast loading parameters from an open-air hemispherical explosion based on distance from the device…
All ATLaS devices provide our clients a unique full scale state-of-the-art accelerated pavement testing (APT) tool to generate applied infrastructure research that produces benefits to an agency in a very short time…
ARA’s BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform is a comprehensive suite of physiology simulation capabilities for advanced medical research, training, and decision support solutions.
BurnCARE is a virtual patient medical trainer, designed to transform how the U.S. Army trains its medics to treat serious burn injuries…
CHOMP enhances situational awareness for canine handlers and prevents operator distraction through rapid geo-location of canine assets and full illumination control
ARA’s innovative Compressed Matrix Package (CMPACK) fast solver software library accelerates simulations of complex radio frequency, acoustic, and other wave physics applications.
Combat Medic is a state-of-the-art training and simulation tool designed for medical education.
Dynamic Component Modeling Software (DCMS) assists engineers in the analysis and design of building structures (walls, roofs, frames, window frames, etc.) subjected to dynamic loads with a focus on blast analysis…
DPlot is a leading graphing and data visualization software tool for scientists, engineers, researchers, or anyone else who is interested in plotting complex data.
Fully automated 3D modeling and terrain generation software from satellite imagery
ARA’s innovative FAST-CT software provides accurate blast overpressure data to help evaluate potential blast incidents and their effects on service member brain health.
ARA’s HCU process (also known as HVO pretreatment) is a single-step solution for the renewable diesel pretreatment process and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
HumanSim: Sedation and Airway is designed to help medical staff gain experience and improve quality of care by coupling an immersive training environment with an advanced real-time physiology engine…
HurLoss™ is ARA’s state-of-the-art hurricane catastrophe model for property insurers, reinsurers and brokers, so that you can plan for the future.
ARA’s Hydrothermal Fat Splitting process provides a single-step continuous solution for producing free fatty acids and glycerin from a variety of oils.
ARA’s Hydrothermal Refining process provides a single-step continuous solution for degumming edible oils, outperforming traditional methods.
ARA trainers have performed hundreds of security risk assessments for a wide range of federal government facilities. This hands-on experience…
Mission Biotech, an educational, immersive 3D game featuring many hours of gameplay and challenges is being offered free to educators as well as students interested in learning how scientists search and test for clues to identify a virus during a pandemic outbreak…
The MPPD model is a computational model that can be used for estimating human and laboratory animal inhalation particle dosimetry…
ARA provides uncrewed, ground vehicle autonomy solutions for off-road environments, helping to solve the unique set of challenges when compared to on-road applications.
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Our advanced intrusion detection system provides expendable, affordable, actionable, and undetectable vehicle movement, foot traffic, and equipment power status sensors that identify security threats BEFORE they cause damage or inflict harm…
PaVision is the low-cost pavement management data collection system that allows anyone to have high-quality management data…
ARA has developed water-based cleanup and conversion technologies for over a decade. ARA’s fuels technologies solve critical problems and improve our safety, security and way of life…
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Introducing the SenseDefense line of acoustic protectors – the most comprehensive line of hearing protection products designed for first responders and safety officers…
ARA’s corporate and public communication experts understand consumer and target-audience behavior, and will develop a results-oriented plan for your organization…
Leveraging the company’s patented ARC4 Recon technology, the StrikeRing app brings an entirely new level of realism to airsoft and paintball fields…
SUSTAIN is a modular, extensible, point of demand modeling and simulation system for use in military medical education and training for care in the field that extends beyond initial trauma care – Prolonged Field Care (PFC)
The Blast Mat is a user-friendly tool to help service members and law enforcement personnel optimize training and mitigate the effects of blast exposure risk when operating various weapons systems.
ARA’s Vertek is the world leader in the development and manufacturing of advanced in-situ soil testing apparatus…
VR-TAK (Virtual Reality Tactical Assault Kit, formerly VTAK) is an innovative Virtual Reality (VR) tool for improved mission planning and rehearsal and better situational awareness.
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