Pathfinder Case Studies

An Inside Job

Park security assumed the vandals were migrating north from the Mexican border and entering the park by crossing the security fence, so Pathfinder was installed outside the fence perimeter and in vegetation that provided a concealed avenue of approach to the fence.

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Echoes in Afghanistan

Personnel were able to quickly place Pathfinder sensors in the surrounding areas overlooking their outpost and did not have to worry about retrieving the “expendable” sensors.

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U.S. and NATO forces needed a solution to pinpoint threats 24/7, near and far, along known routes they traveled. An expendable, wireless, and covert solution was critical to ensure the simple, quick emplacement of the sensors unseen by the enemy.

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Securing Property on the Border

From a strategic standpoint, we decided that placing a pair of Pathfinder sensors some distance apart, but equidistant from the anticipated point of intrusion, would allow much better covert opportunity for concealment as well as acting as a ‘verification’ of a legitimate target.

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