Echoes in Afghanistan

Pathfinder Advanced Intrusion Detection

The Problem

U.S. military personnel positioned at a combat outpost in the valleys of Afghanistan were coming under attack from higher positions and unable to accurately identify enemy positions due to the surrounding mountains creating echoes from the extensive gunfire.

The Solution

To prevent further attacks, the unit needed to accurately identify enemy encroachment and firing positions in order to eliminate the threat before it was too late. Pathfinder was the perfect solution. Personnel were able to quickly place Pathfinder sensors in the surrounding areas overlooking their outpost and did not have to worry about retrieving the “expendable” sensors.

The Result

Pathfinder alerted the unit of the enemy’s location, allowing the unit to accurately target and engage the enemy with precision. Thanks to Pathfinder’s near-invisible antenna, the enemy continued to unknowingly expose themselves to blistering return fire never once being able to identify nor destroy the Pathfinder.


Automated Targeting

Pathfinder can integrate with ground and air-based camera systems put eyes on target as anautomated “slew to cue” or “fly to cue” capability.


With only the antenna exposed, Pathfinder is undetectable to the human eye and its short burst radio signal is hidden in the noise.


Simplified wireless architecture allows for easy installation.