Professional Writing & 508 Compliance

Great writing, accessible to all.
Clear writing, especially on technical topics, is crucial to the success of any agency. Your customers need concise, well-crafted information on what your agency is doing and how their tax dollars are being spent. If you are part of a highly technical agency, quality technical writing is a necessity.
Our team includes four professional writers who regularly author articles for feature magazines, as well as write and edit technical documents like reports, manuals, how-to guides, and guidance documents.
Another emerging need is Section 508 compliance for all materials posted online. This can be incredibly complicated, especially if you are new to it. Fortunately, we have developed our 508 compliance skills for years, including a certified 508 specialist who is a DHS Office of Accessible Systems and Technology (OAST) Certified Trusted Tester. We will ensure your communication items meet the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria.