Digital/Email Marketing & Analytics


Deliver value to their inbox.

Today’s digital marketing technologies allow you to target your messaging like never before, and then track and measure the results.

From email campaigns to online newsletters and website analytics, our team designs, delivers, and tracks digital marketing products and campaigns for our clients, including the Federal Highway Administration and the United States Air Force.

We have a certified Google Analytics analyst on staff, and we can create reports that are customized to measure and highlight the metrics that are most important to you, enabling you to continually measure return on investment and accomplish your objectives.

CASE STUDY: Federal Highway Administration Every Day Counts Program

We have managed and tracked all digital communication for the Federal Highway Administration’s Center for Accelerating Innovation for a decade.


“CAI has the most sophisticated analytics tracking and reporting we have seen in FHWA.”

– Neil Gaffney, FHWA Headquarters Public Affairs

Rodney Walker Marketing & Communications Manager   •  Tel: 850-818-0375