Sapper: Autonomous Tracked Platform
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
ARA provides innovative building information modeling (BIM) for transportation and civil integrated management (CIM) services for a broad range of transportation...
In the area of infrastructure, ARA’s M&S tools and software provide highly accurate, cost-effective alternatives to large-scale tests in crashworthiness, forensics, impact analysis, structural characterization, and fire protection...
ARA has extensive experience supporting various agencies with a comprehensive range of security services such as physical and electronic security design, risk assessments, blast assessments and mitigation...
ARA has experience helping government agencies assess and evaluate the facilities in their inventory to understand the window vulnerabilities to blast loads...
ARA has extensive experience analyzing, testing, and designing vehicle barrier systems to develop a reliable validated model...
ARA is uniquely qualified to provide these services for even the most challenging threats and conditions to help protect people, facilities, operational capability, and critical equipment/systems...
ARA’s experts have decades of experience in the development and implementation of disaster management plans and training, as well as providing comprehensive reviews of existing plans...
Our advanced intrusion detection system provides expendable, affordable, actionable, and undetectable vehicle movement, foot traffic, and equipment power status sensors that identify security threats BEFORE they cause damage or inflict harm...
ARA provides analytically-defensible studies on time and budget to inform decisions that improve resource allocation, unity of effort, and operational effectiveness...