Sapper: Autonomous Tracked Platform
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
Reduce risk and increase performance with Otonos autonomy and robotics.
ARA’s retrofit bumper for light rail vehicles significantly reduces injuries, repair and litigation costs, and system downtimes.
January 11-13, 2026
ARA provides innovative building information modeling (BIM) for transportation and civil integrated management (CIM) services for a broad range of transportation...
Leveraging technical excellence and innovation, ARA enhances infrastructure performance with advanced tools and technology, improving the safety of roadways for the traveling public…
In the area of infrastructure, ARA’s M&S tools and software provide highly accurate, cost-effective alternatives to large-scale tests in crashworthiness, forensics, impact analysis, structural characterization, and fire protection...
Our engineers model and accurately predict full-scale train crash tests and apply validated models to the design of new and improved structures and the analysis of real-world accidents...
ARA experts develop international, national, state, local, and industry standards, specifications, test methods, procedures, and requirements...
ARA helps clients to assess federal and state traffic monitoring directives, as well as develop and implement standards and practices to improve efficiency and accuracy in traffic data collection...
ARA provides innovative risk management services for a broad range of transportation- and infrastructure-related projects and programs...
ARA uses our combined geotechnical and structures expertise to provide a range of innovative R&D, consulting, and training services…
Through the integrated application of engineering expertise, innovative communication and outreach, and responsive program management, ARA has helped the FHWA...
ARA provides comprehensive pavement engineering research and consulting services for roadways, airfields, parking areas, and intermodal facilities, and employs a range of pavement testing technologies...
Through effective asset management, agencies can maximize their return on investment, improve system performance, extend the life of critical assets, and increase customer satisfaction...
ARA has a comprehensive suite of testing capabilities designed to assess the performance of pavement markings. Our professionals are nationally recognized experts...
ARA protects our infrastructure and transportation systems with decades of experience providing blast and security consulting, developing advanced security systems...
At ARA, our instructional systems designers develop client-specific training products and academic curricula to meet the needs of any student, anywhere, at any time...
ARA's rail-related technologies and research have contributed to new safety standards, codes, and practices and improved crashworthiness and occupant survivability…
With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, ARA understands today’s highway transportation engineering challenges...
ARA has extensive experience supporting various agencies with a comprehensive range of security services such as physical and electronic security design, risk assessments, blast assessments and mitigation...
ARA has experience helping government agencies assess and evaluate the facilities in their inventory to understand the window vulnerabilities to blast loads...
ARA has extensive experience analyzing, testing, and designing vehicle barrier systems to develop a reliable validated model...
ARA is uniquely qualified to provide these services for even the most challenging threats and conditions to help protect people, facilities, operational capability, and critical equipment/systems...
ARA’s experts have decades of experience in the development and implementation of disaster management plans and training, as well as providing comprehensive reviews of existing plans...
ARA provides technical risk modeling for various components of the airport system, including runway safety areas, runway protection zones, and runway incursions...
With over three decades of serving the airport and aviation communities, ARA is well versed in helping aviation agencies to conduct critical R&D and deploy innovative technologies...
ARA has implemented airside and landside pavement management systems for hundreds of commercial, general aviation, and military airfields worldwide...
Our advanced intrusion detection system provides expendable, affordable, actionable, and undetectable vehicle movement, foot traffic, and equipment power status sensors that identify security threats BEFORE they cause damage or inflict harm...
ARA's corporate and public communication experts understand consumer and target-audience behavior, and will develop a results-oriented plan for your organization...
ARA provides analytically-defensible studies on time and budget to inform decisions that improve resource allocation, unity of effort, and operational effectiveness...
ARA is a premier provider of state-of-the-practice airport security, infrastructure, and safety solutions for commercial airports and DoD airfield installations…
ARA is a leading developer of advanced unmanned systems, offering solid technical solutions and industry-leading customer service...