ARA’s Virtual Heroes Division Joins Network of Innovators

Public-Private Partnership aims to increase warfighter readiness

ARA’s Virtual Heroes Division recently joined the Training and Readiness Accelerator (TReX) partnership that aims to expedite development, demonstration, and delivery of prototypes to increase warfighter readiness.

TReX focus areas include modeling, simulation, and training solutions, providing the Department of Defense (DoD) with an agile way to iterate and refine critical technologies to keep pace with ongoing and emerging challenges.

The public-private partnership is designed to be a highly efficient, open-source network of top innovators from industry, academia, investors, laboratories, and government.

TReX uses the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) contract vehicle to advance and expand new technologies, and accelerate the research and development cycle of technology solutions for modeling, simulation, and training needs across the DoD.

Virtual Heroes designs innovations that work toward fulfilling the DoD’s mission. ARA is one of only seven companies selected in the initial round of OTA funding supporting the Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Cross-Functional Team (CFT). This team is addressing part of the Army Futures Command (AFC) Soldier Lethality modernization priority.

About ARA

Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) was founded in 1979, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to offer science and engineering research to solve problems of national importance. ARA delivers leading-edge products and innovative solutions for national defense, energy, homeland security, aerospace, healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. With over 2,300 employee-owners at locations in the U.S. and Canada, ARA offers a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil engineering, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, biomedical engineering, environmental technologies, and blast testing and measurement.