ARA Supports Special Operations Warrior Foundation

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) serves the families of Special Operations personnel who are combat wounded or lose their lives while serving our country and preserving American freedoms.

The foundation was formed in 1980 after the daring attempt to rescue 53 American hostages in Iran, which ended in the tragic loss of eight servicemen who left behind 17 children. A battlefield promise to take care of those children evolved into SOWF’s noble mission.

The foundation supports America’s Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps Special Operations personnel through two programs. The first ensures full financial assistance for post-secondary education from an accredited two or four-year college, university, technical or trade school, as well as educational counseling, preschool grants, and tutoring to the surviving children of Special Operations personnel. The second provides immediate financial grants to severely combat-wounded and hospitalized Special Operations personnel and their families. 

ARA is a proud supporter of the foundation, a trusted charitable organization that has been recognized as a Four Star Charity for the last 13 consecutive years. This September, ARA employees rose to the call with an end-of-year drive to support the foundation with employee/director donations totaling $14,773.35. At fiscal year-end, ARA presented an additional matching $10,000 to the organization, for a combined contribution of $24,773.35. Thanks to ARA employees’ generosity, we surpassed last year’s total by more than $1000.

SOWF President and CEO Maj. Gen. Clayton Hutmacher, USA Ret. expressed his appreciation to ARA for our contributions and reiterated the important mission ARA and its employees are helping to support:

“In 2017, our nation suffered the loss of 48 Special Operators who left behind 93 children. You make it possible for these children to have the opportunity for a college education. We are also proud to announce 19 students completed their college education and graduated … It is you, our generous donor, who provides the college tuition, tutoring and immediate financial assistance – not us. We simply could not fulfill our mission without your generous support. Thank you!”

What do the donations do?

100% funding: SOWF ensures full financial assistance for post-secondary scholarships for every child whose special operations parent loses their life in the line of duty.

38 years: SOWF has served Special Operators and their families for more than 38 years.

1,307 Children: SOWF plege to fallen special operators and their families has resulted in our commitment to more than 1,300 college degrees.

1,068 Wounded: SOWF provided immediate financial assistance to severely wounded Special Operators since 2006.

About ARA

Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) was founded in 1979, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to offer science and engineering research to solve problems of national importance. ARA delivers leading-edge products and innovative solutions for national defense, energy, homeland security, aerospace, healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. With over 2,300 employee-owners at locations in the U.S. and Canada, ARA offers a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil engineering, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, biomedical engineering, environmental technologies, and blast testing and measurement.