BioGears Human Physiology Engine -OLD
The BioGears physiology engine models human response to trauma and treatment and includes physiologically accurate models for multiple systems…
ARA makes cutting-edge software to help improve health and human safety through the use of high-fidelity modeling and simulation, enhanced analysis and visualization tools, and advanced risk assessment.
ARA offers products that support physics-based human physiology modeling, computational dosimetry, and advanced, automated methodologies that assist in operational decision making. Our medical and health effects software products facilitate simulated training across the medical and military training communities.
The BioGears physiology engine models human response to trauma and treatment and includes physiologically accurate models for multiple systems…
BurnCARE is a virtual patient medical trainer, designed to transform how the U.S. Army trains its medics to treat serious burn injuries…
HumanSim: Sedation and Airway is designed to help medical staff gain experience and improve quality of care by coupling an immersive training environment with an advanced real-time physiology engine…
Mission Biotech, an educational, immersive 3D game featuring many hours of gameplay and challenges is being offered free to educators as well as students interested in learning how scientists search and test for clues to identify a virus during a pandemic outbreak…
The MPPD model is a computational model that can be used for estimating human and laboratory animal inhalation particle dosimetry…
SUSTAIN is a modular, extensible, point of demand modeling and simulation system for use in military medical education and training for care in the field that extends beyond initial trauma care – Prolonged Field Care (PFC)
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