Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Risk Management Process Training
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Interagency Security Committee (ISC) provides continuously evolving guidance in the ISC Risk Management for Federal Facilities Guidelines. All federal agencies are required to implement these guidelines. Subsequently, the Government Accounting Office is actively assessing compliance.
Is your agency compliant? If not, ARA can help you.
- ISC Training
- ISC Course Overview & Registration
Training – ISC Implementation
A Practical Approach
ARA offers ISC implementation training: Theory meets Practice
ARA has been involved with the ISC from the beginning. The ARA personnel who developed and deliver our training materials previously supported ISC training provided by OPM. ARA has both the expansive policy knowledge required to implement and train the ISC standards, but we also have years of practical experience working with government agencies to implement ISC guidelines that have changed significantly over the years. ARA trainers can provide a practitioners approach to implementation of the ISC guidelines. Our experience helping agencies convert from security compliance to security risk management will be invaluable to your organization. If your organization already has a security risk management process, we can work with you to determine if your process is already ISC compliant. We can also provide guidance in areas where your program may need revision to meet ISC guidelines.
ARA trainers have performed hundreds of security risk assessments for a wide range of federal government facilities. This hands-on experience allows trainers to identify with trainees and can address a wide range of issues assessors typically encounter. Our training is both theoretical and practical!
ARA training also comes with a tool to assist assessors to determine the level of risk from each ISC Design Basis Threat (DBT). This tool, based on ARA’s ISC certified tool, FSR-Manager, utilizes a simple definition based assessment process that meets the ISC requirements of being defensible, credible and reproducible.
Another great advantage of ARA’s training is we provide great value at a lower cost! Basically, you will get the best for less – you cannot beat that!
Meet the Trainers

ISC Risk Management Process Course Overview
2-Day Course for Federal & Contract Security Professionals
Who should attend?
Federal and Contract security professionals who establish they have physical security responsibilities for federal facilities.
Course Covers:
- History of the ISC
- Authority of the ISC
- Authority to use Risk Management Process (RMP)
- How to read, use and understand the RMP documents
- Review of the RMP
- How to establish an Facility Security Level (FSL)
- How a Facility Security Committee (FSC) works
- How to use the Design Basis Threat (DBT)
- How to determine Risk
- How to establish facility specific countermeasures
- Review of the 5 Levels of Protection (LOP)
- How to establish each LOP
- Practical Exercise
- Establish an FSL
- Determine Risk
- Determine Countermeasures
- Final Exam – Graded, must score at least 80% to pass
1-Day Courses for Government Senior Level Executives & Professional Staff
Who should attend?
Senior level federal executives that have decision authority for federal facilities (Chief Security Officer). Government real-estate professionals that manage federal facilities. Financial Officers that work in and with their agency/department budget process. Office of General Counsel legal advisors that assist with legal reviews for federal facility security decisions. Contracting Officers that assist with procurement of security features and hardware. Facilities Management professionals that manage the daily functions of commercial office space.
Course Covers:
- History of the Interagency Security Committee (ISC)
- Authority of the ISC
- Authority to use Risk Management Process (RMP)
- Review of RMP documents
- Review of the Risk Management Process
- What is a Facility Security Level (FSL) and how it is determined
- How an Facility Security Committee (FSC) works
- Review of the 5 Levels of Protection (LOP)
- What is Risk?
- How Risk is determined
- How Risk is measured
- How a countermeasure is determined
- How to measure program effectiveness
- How to determine security program ROI
- What is a Risk Mitigation Strategy?
- How to select an Agency wide Risk Mitigation Strategy
- How to determine out year security budgets
1-Day Courses for A/E & Real Estate Professionals
Who should attend?
Architecture and Engineering professionals who design and build government owned or leased office space. Real-estate professionals who develop and/or manage federally occupied facilities.
Course Covers:
- History of the Interagency Security Committee (ISC)
- Authority of the ISC
- Authority to use Risk Management Process (RMP)
- Review of RMP documents
- Review of the Risk Management Process
- What is a Facility Security Level (FSL) and how it is determined
- How a Facility Security Committee (FSC) works
- Review of the 5 Levels of Protection (LOP)
- What is Risk?
- How Risk is determined
- How Risk is measured
- How a countermeasure is determined
- How to measure program effectiveness
- How to determine security program ROI
- What is a Risk Mitigation Strategy?
- How to incorporate an Agency-wide Risk Mitigation Strategy in a new or renovated facility
- Understand the mitigation options available to address site specific issues
- Understand the Government’s motivation for requesting security upgrades in a leased facility and anticipate the cost sharing expectations
- How to determine the appropriate credentials for your design team
Select course tab for registration and purchase options
- 2-Day Course
- 1-Day for Govt
- 1-Day for A/E
2-Day Course for Federal & Contract Security Professionals
$1,499 per student
*The fee is non-refundable except in the event ARA must reschedule or cancel a training course a refund will be issued.
1-Day Course for Government Senior Level Executives & Professional Staff
$450 per student
*The fee is non-refundable except in the event ARA must reschedule or cancel a training course a refund will be issued.
1-Day Course for A/E & Real Estate Professionals
$450 per student
*The fee is non-refundable except in the event ARA must reschedule or cancel a training course a refund will be issued.
We conduct agency or organization training courses upon request. Contact us now to get it scheduled.
For questions or more information contact us by:
Phone: 601-638-5401