Disaster Management Planning and Training


Is your organization prepared to respond effectively when disaster strikes? Creating a robust disaster management plan can be a challenge, and many organizations benefit from having the help of an outside team like ARA.

Just having a plan isn’t enough; employees need to undergo clear and consistent training in order for a plan to be put in to place and executed when needed.


ARA’s experts have decades of experience in the development and implementation of disaster management plans and training, as well as providing comprehensive reviews of existing plans to offer recommendations for improvements where needed.

ARA can build a disaster management plan from the ground up that address an organization’s individual needs and help formalize disaster management planning and training across the entire institution. Our engineers can also build emergency management tools that provide critical information such as contact data, utility information, critical asset protection measures, and emergency procedures that allows both first responders in the field and city emergency management personnel to make safe, rapid and accurate decisions. 

To do so, ARA can work with an organization to identify the unique challenges they face, conduct interviews to gather important information about individual responsibilities in a disaster to identify if all roles are accounted for in an existing plan, and speak with representatives of similar facilities to compare plans.

ARA has assisted the Smithsonian Institution in developing its disaster management program, and to develop a disaster management tool to aid personnel in implementing consistent plans for each of its facility.

ARA has also assisted the Library of Congress in evaluating the effectiveness of its existing plan and offering recommendations for improvements where needed through a detailed report containing findings and recommendations from its review.

ARA has leveraged our expertise to help protect some of our nation’s most important assets. Our experts can apply this experience to empower any organization to respond if disaster strikes.

Jim Brokaw PE  •  Tel: 601-638-5401