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BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform

BioGears infograph

ARA is the company that government, industry, and academia turn to for human physiology modeling and simulation. ARA’s BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform is a suite of physiology modeling and simulation tools that can be used for:

  • Medical Education & Training
  • Medical Risk Assessment
  • Human Factors Analysis
  • Medical Device Development
  • Wearable Sensors
  • Protective Device Evaluation
  • Combat Casualty Triage & Care Simulation
  • Medical Decision Support

Scientists and Engineers at ARA have used the BioGears Platform to develop several applications, including the free and open-source BioGears Human Physiology Engine. The BioGears Platform has been leveraged to meet a variety of needs for numerous customers. It provides a software foundation for developing physiology models, a coordinated simulator for seamless model integration, and a framework for conducting in silico experimentation.

At ARA we use our knowledge and experience modeling complex physiological, biological, and chemical processes to solve challenging biomedical and health problems for our partners. ARA can help you use the BioGears Physiology M&S System to build your own custom application, or we can build it for you.




What is the BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform?

  • A platform for physiology model development and physiology simulation built on multi-disciplinary expertise
  • A library of interoperable physiological models, including a whole-body model
  • A tool to develop and integrate novel, customized physiology models to meet customers’ unique needs
  • A framework for computational physiology
  • Advanced ability to build Government- and Commercial-off-the-Shelf physiology simulation applications
  • A coordinated simulator for seamless interoperability
  • Facilitated the development of ARA’s powerful BioGear’s Engine

Success Stories

The BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform can aid in the evaluation of new drugs and delivery devices, support research programs, drive immersive medical education and training, and improve triage and patient care through flexible, adaptive, response to unexpected demand, and more.

BioGears® Physiology Engine

The BioGears Physiology Engine is a publicly available tool for physiology modeling developed using the BioGears Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform that enables accurate and consistent simulated whole-body human physiology across training applications.

  • Can be used as a stand-alone application for exploring physiology and interdependent physiological systems
  • Can be used to generate physiological signals for other applications such as medical training systems and physiology sensing
  • Easily extendable to include new models, model additions, and new scenarios
  • Ensures accurate and consistent physiology

BioGears Systems

Blood Chemistry

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Energy Balance

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Explore a Scenario interactive

Soldier Multi-Trauma

The Soldier Multi-Trauma Showcase Scenario simulates the injuries that a Combat Medic or other caregiver may encounter on the battlefield. This scenario highlights the ability of the BioGears physiology engine to simulate multiple insults occurring simultaneously. We have incorporated a tension pneumothorax with a massive hemorrhage. The tension pneumothorax is itself a combinatory insult, affecting both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Combining the tension pneumothorax with the blood loss from the hemorrhage pushes and eventually exceeds the limits of the homeostatic control mechanisms.

See the Validation Matrix for more details about the narrative and validation of the combined insult and intervention physiologic effects.

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Scenario Timeline

Environment Exposure

The Environment Exposure Showcase Scenario simulates the physiology of an adult woman who is exposed to cold weather long enough to develop hypothermia. This scenario highlights the ability of the BioGears physiology engine to simulate physiology when the body is exposed to an abnormal environment.

See the Validation Matrix for more details about the narrative and validation of the combined insult and intervention physiologic effects.

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Scenario Timeline

Asthma Attack

The Asthma Attack Showcase Scenario simulates physiology during an asthma attack and after administration of a beta-agonist. This scenario highlights the ability of the BioGears physiology engine to simulate asthma and inhaled-drug administration.

See the Validation Matrix for more details about the narrative and validation of the combined insult and intervention physiologic effects.

Playback Speed: 1x

Scenario Timeline

Heat Stroke

The heat stroke scenario simulates the body's temperature regulation system. This scenario highlights the ability of the BioGears physiology engine to simulate the energy exchange between the human body and the environment.

See the Validation Matrix for more details about the narrative and validation of the combined insult and intervention physiologic effects.

Playback Speed: 1x

Scenario Timeline

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Triage Challenge

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Triage Challenge (DTC) uses the BioGears® Biomedical and Health Solutions Platform for the Virtual Testbed – a source of physiology ground-truth for virtual challenge competitors.

The goal of the DTC is to spur development of novel physiological features for medical triage. The challenge includes a virtual testbed of simulated casualties in synthetic environments, enabling competitors to test automated triage on casualties that are difficult or impossible to create on demand in the real-world. ARA employs the BioGears Physiology Engine to generate physiological ground truth based on customizable patient demographics and injury profiles. Sensor data streams are generated from the ground-truth physiology, allowing DTC competitors to develop and evaluate their triage algorithms.

  • Enhances triage decision-making in austere, complex, mass-casualty environments
  • Enables scalable, timely, and cost-effective customization of sensor configurations
  • Leverages GOTS and COTS tools

Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

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