Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Critical and complex decisions in high risk, high value situations are often not amenable to off-the-shelf AI/ML techniques. ARA’s multi-disciplinary teams are developing innovative solutions that address these hard problems.
Computer Vision
- ARA uses image processing, computer vision and machine learning algorithms to fuse and process data to extract features and geometric details.
- Our experts have invented new machine learning approaches to address challenges with labeled data.
Advanced Abductive Reasoning
- ARA has developed algorithms that reason over limited observations and make inferences about the underlying physical, behavioral, and process-oriented models.
- Our abductive reasoning solutions include uncertainty quantification (UQ), and uniquely address scored structured interpretations.
Complex Multi-Objective Optimization
- ARA has developed optimization algorithms to address multi-agent scenarios, multiple concurrent objectives, uncertain environments, and temporal change.
ARA is creating intelligent systems that enable analysts to more effectively work with large and complex systems for the Intel community, the medical community, CWMD support/automation, and autonomous systems, pushing the envelope in reasoning about complex scenarios.