Private Security

Choose the perimeter security system no one can see.

Automated Identification

Pathfinder can integrate with existing camera systems allowing you to instantly identify and track intruders.

Instant Alerts

With the Pathfinder mobile application, security personnel can receive instant alerts to a smart device.


With only the antenna exposed, Pathfinder is undetectable to the human eye.


Pathfinder is trusted to identify and stop intruders at commercial facilities, individual estates, ranches, and other various properties.

The Pathfinder Advantage

  • Simplified wireless architecture allows for easy installation
  • Extended battery life (Mini sensor: up to 6 months; XL sensor: up to 24 months)
  • Focused detection radii and point detection capability
  • Long range detection reporting without the use of gateways and relays
  • Line of sight, non-line of sight, and beyond line of sight capable
  • Intelligent, machine learning algorithms
  • High probability of detection and low false alarm rate
  • Ruggedized sensor capable of withstanding a wide range of climates and terrains

Case Study

An Inside Job

Park security assumed the vandals were migrating north from the Mexican border and entering the park by crossing the security fence, so Pathfinder was installed outside the fence perimeter and in vegetation that provided a concealed avenue of approach to the fence.

Un trabajo interno

La seguridad del parque asumió que los vándalos estaban migrando hacia el norte desde la frontera mexicana y entrando en el parque cruzando la valla de seguridad, por lo que Pathfinder se instaló fuera del perímetro de la valla y en la vegetación que proporcionaba una ruta oculta de acercamiento a la valla.